In Genesis 2:18 NIV, the plan of God concerning marriage is made clear to us. He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” This has been interpreted to mean many things, a school of thought concluded that marriage is for companionship and having children, while others believe it is for sex. Some say marriage is a way to multiply legally, it, however, goes to say legality means nothing to some, and some regret having a legal relationship because it prevents them from having the intimate outside relationships they desire. He concludes that legality does not stop some. And in some places discrepancies can be found. But when a DNA test is done you can know if spouses have kept to the boundary wanted by the legality of marriage. Another school of thought said we are basically to do what was said: to multiply and replenish the Earth. A minister of God says this about the purpose of marriage: He said the purpose of marriage could be viewed from two points of view: the Christian way, and the secular way.
Tongu believes that marriage is God’s designed union for its creation to love, live, and cherish each other forever sincerely. It is the first institution out of which the family is born. Therefore, because it is God’s original creative agenda, we need to keep God very close in marriage to succeed.
Thank you for coming back to read this post! The next one will be out on March 6th, 2023.